(1.)THE petitioner has filed the present petition under Article 227 of the Constitution of India praying for modification of the order dated
(2.)01.2013 passed by learned Addl. District Judge and also for waiver of the condition to deposit the entire decretal amount.
2. Vide order dated 02.01.2013, which is under challenge in this petition, the petitioner herein was directed by the learned Appellate
Court/Addl. District Judge-2 (North) to deposit the decretal amount with
the Trial Court within ten days as a condition precedent for granting stay
of the impugned judgment and decree. It was also ordered that 50% of
the amount so deposited by the petitioner will be released to the
After some arguments, learned counsel for the petitioner submits that he is restricting his prayer only to the extent that the time given by
the learned Addl. District Judge to deposit the decretal amount may be
extended by two months. Learned counsel for the petitioner also prays
that 50% of the decretal amount may be released to the respondent, as
ordered by learned Appellate Court, but with the condition that he shall
furnish an undertaking that if the appeal is decided in favour of the
petitioner, the respondent shall refund the said amount to the petitioner
received by him (respondent) through the Court.
(3.)HEARD .
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