(1.)These three Petitions arise out of the FIR No.123/2012 wherein on filing
of the charge sheet by an order dated 01.09.2012, the learned
Metropolitan Magistrate ("MM?) took cognizance of the offence against
all the accused persons including Rajinder Dagar and Padam Singh Dagar
and ordered issuance of the process against the earlier said two persons.
(Petitioners in Crl.M.C.161/2013 and 428/2013).
(2.)Order dated 01.09.2012 was successfully challenged by these two
Petitioners in Criminal Revision Petition No.410/2012 in the Court of
learned Additional Sessions Judge, New Delhi who relying on Kishun Singh & Ors. v. State of Bihar, 1993 CrLJ 1700 opined that in a case
exclusively triable by the Court of Sessions, "MM" was not competent to
take cognizance and it was only the Sessions Court which can take
cognizance under Section 193 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
(the Code) after the case is committed to it by the learned "MM?. The
learned ASJ held that the dictum in Kishun Singh had been approved by
the Supreme Court in its later judgments in Dharampal & Ors. v. State of Haryana & Anr., 2004 13 SCC 9; and Jaswant & Anr. v. State of Rajasthan, 2009 8 Scale 275. Thus, the learned ASJ set aside the order
taking cognizance against Rajinder Singh and Padam Singh Dagar and
consequently issuing process against them.
(3.)There is another twist to the case, in as much as, when the case was
committed to the Court of Session, the learned ASJ by an order dated
05.01.2013 took cognizance under Section 193 of the Code against the
earlier said two Petitioners and held that the Sessions Court need not wait
for the stage of Section 319 of the Code. Consequently order dated
21.09.2012 came to be passed by the learned ASJ was set at naught and
the order dated 01.09.2012 passed by the learned "MM? stood revived.
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