(1.)THE appellant is aggrieved by an order of the learned Single Judge dated 8th May, 2013 dismissing the writ petition No.87/1998.
(2.)THE appellant's grievance started when he was issued with a Memorandum proposing to enquire into his conduct on 8th March,
1997, detailing the articles of charges. The charges pertained to his alleged involvement in acts of instigating the innocent employees to
get the House Building Advances from their GPF Accounts on the
basis of bogus and fabricated documents and extract some part of the
amount so sanctioned. Apparently, during the course of preliminary
enquiry into the allegations, statement of various employees was
recorded. The enquiry proceedings commenced and before the
Inquiry Officer, some statements recorded during the preliminary
enquiry were marked in evidence. While many individuals (whose
statements were so recorded) did appear before the Inquiry Officer,
some of them did not.
On the basis of his understanding and appreciation of the materials on record, the Inquiry Officer concluded that the petitioner
was guilty of the misconduct which alleged to have been committed
and so recorded it in the report dated 12th April, 1996. The
Disciplinary Authority basing itself upon that report issued a
show-cause notice on 07.03.1997 to the appellant requiring him to
indicate why the penalty of dismissal ought not to be imposed upon
him. The appellant responded to this by resisting the proposed action.
Finally, on 10th November, 1997, the Disciplinary Authority, agreeing
with the findings recorded by the Inquiry Officer, dismissed the
appellant/petitioner. The appellant's appeal to the Chairman of the
then Delhi Vidyut Board, the predecessor of the respondent (hereafter
referred to as "the BSES") was to no avail. He, therefore, approached
this Court under Article 226 of the Constitution.
(3.)THE learned Single Judge considered the submissions of the appellant who had urged that the pre-recorded statements made
during the course of the preliminary enquiry could not have been
made the basis of the material to base the findings of the guilt. The
appellant further argued that the depositions of such of the witnesses
who were examined during the regular enquiry were at variance with
the pre-recorded statements and that the same had to be disregarded.
The learned Single Judge considered the submissions and also took
into consideration the materials on the record such as the pre-recorded
statements as well as the deposition recorded by the Inquiry Officer.
Thereafter by the impugned judgment, he dismissed the petition.
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