(1.)THE appeal impugns the judgment and decree dated 13 th July, 1994 of the Court of the learned Additional District Judge (ADJ), Delhi of dismissal of Suit No.6/1994 filed by the appellant for specific
performance of an Agreement dated 5th December, 1984 by the
respondent/defendant No.1 Mahant Narain Dass to sell the property
consisting of one room with varandah and open courtyard built on a
piece of land admeasuring 50 sq. yds. situated at Khasra No.400,
Village -Kilokri known as Temur Nagar, New Delhi to the
appellant/plaintiff for a sale consideration of Rs.50,000/ -. The
respondent/defendant No.2 Sh. Vinod Kumar Gupta was impleaded
being an occupant as tenant of the said property.
(2.)IT was inter alia the case of the appellant/plaintiff that the respondent/defendant No.1, at the time of Agreement to Sell itself and
against receipt of the entire sale consideration of Rs.50,000/ -, had
delivered vacant, peaceful and physical possession of the property to the
appellant/plaintiff and had promised to execute the Sale Deed after
obtaining the necessary permissions but failed to execute the Sale Deed
and started attempting to dispossess the appellant/plaintiff therefrom and
in which regard the appellant/plaintiff had earlier filed a suit for
injunction against the respondent/defendant No.1 and in which interim
order restraining the respondent/defendant No.1 from so dispossessing
the appellant/plaintiff was also issued but before the same could be
served on the respondent/defendant No.1, the respondent/defendant No.1
forcibly dispossessed the appellant/plaintiff from the property on 13th
March, 1985. Accordingly, the suit was filed on 13 th October, 1987,
besides for the relief of specific performance, also for the relief of mesne
profits/damages for use and occupation at the rate of Rs.400/ - per month.
The respondent/defendant No.1 contested the suit by denying the Agreement to Sell and receipt of Rs.50,000/ - and claiming the
appellant/plaintiff to have fraudulently got the same executed from the
respondent/defendant No.1. The respondent/defendant No.2 also
contested the suit claiming to be a bona fide tenant in the property at a
rent of Rs.600 per month with effect from 1 st May, 1985. Both the
respondents/defendants were proceeded against ex -parte in the suit; the
respondent/defendant No.1 after leading his evidence and the
respondent/defendant No.2 without leading any evidence.
(3.)THE learned ADJ vide the impugned judgment, though held the respondent/defendant No.1 to have been unsuccessful in
proving/establishing that the appellant/plaintiff had got the Agreement to
Sell admittedly executed by him, executed from him fraudulently or for
the reasons alleged but held the appellant/plaintiff to be still not entitled
to the relief of specific performance on a finding of the property being of
the temple known as Shiv Mandir of which the respondent/defendant
No.1 was only a Pujari and thus had no right to sell the same.
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