(1.)Leave granted.
(2.)On 29/6/1982, the State of A. P. promulgated the Andhra Pradesh Land-Grabbing (Prohibition) Ordinance, 1982. It was subsequently replaced by the A. P. Land-Grabbing (Prohibition) Act, 1982. The Act has since been amended twice - once by the A. P. Act 16 of 1987 and again by the A. P. Act 6 of 1988.
(3.)In 1996, a practising advocate filed a writ petition before the Andhra Pradesh High court challenging the constitutional validity of the Andhra Pradesh Land-Grabbing (Prohibition) Act, 1982. One N. Venkatesh also addressed a letter to the chief justice of the A. P. High court with a press clipping relating to the appointments to the Special court constituted under the A. P. Land-Grabbing (Prohibition) Act, 1982, which was treated as a writ petition. Both these petitions were heard together. By the impugned judgment, the A. P. High court gave certain directions which can be summarised as follows:
(1 The State shall convey to the Registrar of the High court all material pertaining to the qualifications and ability/suitability etc. of the existing incumbents both Judicial Members and Revenue Members of the Special court constituted under the said Act forthwith;
(2 The Registrar shall place the material so received before the chief justice of the High court and shall convey the orders of the chief justice of the High court in this behalf to the Chief secretary to the government;
(3 The State is restrained from making any appointments of Judicial Members and Revenue Members without "the consultation in respect of 470 the selection of such Member/members with the chief justice of the High court"; and
(4 The State shall decide whether any incumbent Judicial Member/revenue Member shall continue after receiving the opinion in this behalf of the chief justice of the High court and such incumbent shall cease to function in case opinion adverse to his continuance is conveyed to him.
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