(1.)Special leave granted in all the Special leave petitions.
(2.)Civil Appeal arising out of SLP (C) No. 14327/1997 is filed by 'Real Value Appliances Ltd' against the order of the High Court of Bombay dated 28-7-1997 passed by a Division Bench in an interlocutory appeal, appointing a Receiver to take formal possession of the mortgaged properties which are subject matter of suit No. 82 of 1997 pending before a learned Single Judge of the said High Court on the Original Side. The respondent Canara Bank, which is the plaintiff in the suit is claiming in consortium with Union Bank of India a sum of Rs. 23.67 crores (approximately) as due to it as on 24-12-1996. Earlier the Single Judge of the Bombay High Court in his order dated 10-1-1997 had disallowed the application for appointment of Receiver in view of the stay of appointment of provisional Liquidator granted by a Division Bench of the Bombay High Court in winding up proceedings on 20-12-1996.
(3.)Civil Appeal (arising out of SLP (C) No. 14750 of 1997) is filed by the appellant company against the order passed by another Division Bench of the Bombay High Court dated 8-8-1997 in Appeal No. 1193 of 1996 by which the order of the learned Single Judge on Company Side appointing a provisional Liquidator on 18-10-1996 was affirmed. Thereby an earlier order of stay dated 20-12-1996 (granted by the Division Bench in respect of the Company Judge's order dated 18-10-96) stood vacated. The respondents are Vardhman Spinning and General Mills Ltd., the creditors, who filed the winding up petition 415/1996 on 6-8-1996 against the appellant in the High Court of Bombay.
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