(1.)Heard counsel on both sides. The possession of the land in question was taken over by the government under an agreement dated 7/03/1963. Subsequently a notification under Section 4 (1 of the Land Acquisition Act was issued in respect of the same land on 20/12/1989. The present dispute is as regards the claimants' right to get compensation for the period preceding the date of Section 4 (1 Notification, i. e. , the period between 7/03/1963 and 20/12/1989.
(2.)We are of the view that the claimants are entitled to mesne profits for the aforesaid period from 7/03/196 3/12/1989. They are not entitled to any other amount for the said period. It is proper that the mesne profits are determined by the concerned District Judge to whom necessary directions may be issued by the High court. The High court is directed accordingly. These petitions are disposed of in the above terms.
(3.)In the light of our decision in Special Leave Petitions (C) Nos. 5406-13 of 1992, these special leave petitions are dismissed,
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