S.B. Sinha, J. -
(1.)THIS appeal arises out of a judgment and award dated 12 -12 -19r/9 passed by Shri Anand Prasad Sinha, Judicial Commissioner, Chotanagpur at Ranchi in Miscellaneous Judicial Claim (Motor Claims Case) No. 122 of 1979 whereby and whereunder the said learned court awarded a compensation of Rs. 25,000 in favour of the respondents and against the appellants.
(2.)THE learned Tribunal below has also awarded interest at the rate of 6% per annum on the aforementioned amount.
The facts of the case lie in a very narrow compass.
(3.)THE applicant who was aged 50 years and used to carry the business of contract, was travelling in a Maxi -Taxi bearing registration No. B. H. V. 6696 from Jameshedpur to Ranchi. The said Maxi Taxi met with an accident by dashing against a brick wall as a result whereof the applicant was thrown out from the said vehicle and received multiple injuries.
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