Gurusharan S harma, J. -
(1.)-By the impugned judgment and decree, the suit for
specific performance of contract filed by the
plaintiff appellant has been dismissed,
(2.)According to the plaintiff, the defendant No. 1 entered into an agreement for sale
with him on 5.5 1972 in respect of the shop
premises in holding No. 12, J Road, Bistupur,
Jamshedpur for consideration of Rs 20,000.
A sum of Rs 18,000/- was given an advance
and the sale deed was agreed to be executed
within one year and the balance amount of
consideration of Rs. 2,000/- was to be paid
at the time of execution and registration of the
transfer deed
(3.)The plaintiff was always ready and
wilting to pay the balance consideration amount
and made repeated requests and demands to
the defendant No 1, but he did not execute
the deed.
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