(1.)IN spite of having been allowed sufficient opportunity on
account of non representation of petitioners on successive dates, they
could not be heard.
(2.)MOREOVER , Section 403 of the Cr.P.C. speaks a lot identifying the status of petitioners while availing the revisional
jurisdiction wherein hearing the petitioners is not at all found to be
mandatory. Hence with the assistance of learned Addl. P.P. the order
impugned along with L.C. record has properly been scrutinized.
Petitioners Atal Bihari Singh, Satyendra Narayan Singh, Jitendra Narayan Singh, Kunj Narayan Singh @ Kunj Bihari Singh
challenged the judgment dated 25.01.1997 passed by 1 st Assistant
Sessions Judge, Banka in Sessions Trial No. 470/88/118/1997
whereby and whereunder all the petitioners named above have been
found guilty for an offence punishable under Sections 307/34 IPC and
directed to undergo each of them R.I. for four years as well as
petitioner, Atal Bihari Singh had separately been convicted for an
offence punishable under Sections 323 IPC and directed to undergo
RI for three months with a further direction to run the sentences
concurrently as well as judgment dated 02.09.2002 passed by 2nd
Additional Sessions Judge, Banka in Cr. Appeal No. 2 of 1997
whereby concurred with the finding as stated above made by the
learned trial court.
(3.)INFORMANT /injured, Brahamdeo Singh (PW -6) gave his Fardbeyan on 08.11.83 at 3:00 p.m. in an injured condition
accompanied with his injured wife Meera Devi (PW -3), mother (PW -
1), uncle and brother (not examined) before the Officer -in -charge alleging inter alia that for the purpose of holding a 'Ashtyam', he was
preparing a platform after digging earth from his own land. On the
same day, at about 12:00 a.m., the accused, Kunj Bihari Singh @
Kunj Narain Singh came and forbade him on account of which an
altercation took place wherein Kunj Bihari Singh was joined by
Jitendra Singh who was armed with Garasa, Satyendra with Khanti
Atal Bihari with Khanti. On the order of Kunj Bihari Singh they
began to assault. His wife Meera Devi came in his rescue who was
also assaulted by Kunj Bihari with lathi.
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