(1.)THESE three appeals arise out of the judgment and order dated 25.7.1987 passed by 5th Additional Sessions Judge, Gaya in Sessions Trial No. 44 of 1984/90 of 1984. They have been heard together and are being
disposed of by this judgment.
(2.)THE appellants in all these appeals have been convicted for the offence under Section 302/34 of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced to
undergo imprisonment for life. Appellants in Cr. Appeal No. 408 and 441
of 1987 have further been convicted for the offence under Section 3 of
the Explosive substance Act and sentenced to undergo rigorous
imprisonment for seven years. The appellant in Cr. Appeal No. 354 of 1987
has also been convicted for the offence under Section 27 of the Arms Act
and sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for three years. However,
sentences were ordered to run concurrently.
(3.)THE occurrence is alleged to have taken place on 5.7.1983 at 12 noon. The fardbeyan of the informant Binod Singh, was recorded on the
same day at about 1.15. p.m. at his house that while his elder brother,
Ashok Singh, was sleeping in the verandah of Jhulan Ram about 12 noon,
Mathura Yadav, Baidyanath Yadav, Vijay @ Natu Rawani with bomb and Baun
Yadav with pistol in their hand came. Mathure Yadav. Vijya and Baidyanath
Yadav hurled bomb on his brother, Ashok Singh, causing injury on his
person. Baun Yadav also fired from Pistol at his brother, Ashok Singh. He
raised alarm on which Nawal Prasad, PW 1, Dinesh Lal, PW 3, and Gopal
Raut, PW 4, came at the place of occurrence and saw the occurrence. They
chased the culprits. The motive of the occurrence was that there was
enmity between his brother, Ashok Singh, the deceased, and the appellants.
On the aforesaid fardbeyan, Ext. 4, a formal first information report, Ext. 5, was drawn. Investigation was taken up and on completion
of investigation, charge sheet was submitted against the appellants. The
Court on receipt of the charge sheet took cognizance and committed the
case to the Court of sessions for trial. The trial Court convicted the
appellants as indicated above.
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