(1.)The present appeal is directed against the judgment and order dtd. 18/6/2021 passed by learned Additional Sessions
Judge-I, Kangra at Dharamshala (learned Trial Court) vide
which, the appellant (accused before learned Trial Court) was
convicted for the commission of offences punishable under
Ss. 452, 302, 382 and 201 of the Indian Penal Code (in short
'IPC') and was sentenced as under:
(Parties shall hereinafter be referred to in the same
manner as they were arrayed before the learned Trial Court for
(2.)Briefly stated, the facts giving rise to the present appeal are that the police presented a challan before the learned
Trial Court against the accused for the commission of offences
punishable under Ss. 302, 382, 449 and 201 of IPC. It was
asserted that one Deepak informed the police telephonically on
19/4/2017 that Kamal Kaur residing as a tenant near Hanuman Mandir, Niazpur was crying for help and it was found after
visiting her home that she was murdered by someone. The
information was reduced into writing. An entry No.4 dtd.
19/4/2017 (Ext. PW22/H) was recorded in the Police Station. Gian Chand Thakur (PW29), HC-Kuldeep Singh (PW27), HHC-Kirpal
Singh (PW7), and LC-Babli Devi (PW23), went to the spot to
verify the correctness of the information. Sanjay Kumar (PW1)
made a statement (Ext.PW1/A) stating that he was residing
adjacent to the house of Ashok Kumar. Kamal Kaur, wife of late
Praveen Kumar, was residing as a tenant in the house of Ashok
Kumar. The informant-Sanjay Kumar went to sleep on
18/4/2017. His aunt-Krishana Devi (PW5) called him on 19/4/2017 at about 4-4:15 am and told him that Kamal Kaur was shouting in her room for help. The informant came out of his
home and found that the residents of the area were calling Kamal
Kaur. The informant and Vishal Kumar (PW6) went near the gate
of Kamal Kaur and found that the gate was locked from inside.
The informant and Vishal Kumar climbed up the corner of the
house and found that the wire gauze door was shut and the light
was switched off. Informant and Vishal opened the door and
went inside the room. They switched on the lights and found
Kamal Kaur lying dead. The blood was scattered on the bed and
floor. Some unknown person had entered the room of Kamal
Kaur and murdered her with a sharp-edged weapon. Gian Chand
made the endorsement on the statement made by the informant
and sent it to the Police Station, where FIR (Ext PW22/J) was
registered. Gian Chand conducted the investigation. He prepared
the site plan (Ext PW29/A). The photographs (Ext. PW15/A-1 to
Ext. PW15/A-10) were taken. A blood-stained knife (Ext. P3) was
found on the spot, which was lifted and preserved. It was put on a
cotton (Ext. P4) and kept inside the cardboard box (Ext P2) after
preparing its sketch (Ext. PW2/A). The box was sealed in a cloth
parcel (Ext. P1) with six impressions of seal 'A'. The seal
impression (Ext. PW2/B) was taken on a separate piece of cloth.
The parcel was seized vide memo (Ext. PW2/C). RFSL team was
called. The inquest report (Ext. PW29/B) was prepared. RFSL
team preserved the sample of blood lifted from different places
from the spot with the help of thread (Ext. P27/A1 to P27/A12).
These were wrapped in different wrappers (Ext. P26/A1 to
P26/A12). One twig (Ext. P29) was put in a wrapper (Ext. P28).
Wrapped papers were put in a carton (Ext. PW25). These were put
in a cloth parcel (Ext. P24) and the parcel was sealed with six
impressions of seal 'T'. The seal impression (Ext. PW29/C) was
taken on a separate piece of cloth. Inspector Gian Chand wrote an
application (Ext. PW27/A) and handed it over to HC-Kuldeep
(PW27) and LC-Babli (PW23) with a direction to get the postmortem examination of the deceased conducted. Dr Sushil
Sharma (PW31) conducted the post-mortem examination of the
deceased and found multiple antemortem injuries. As per his
opinion, the cause of death was stab wound injury. He preserved
the viscera to rule out any intoxication. He handed over the
viscera and other articles to the police. He issued the report (Ext.
PW31/B). Inspector-Gian Chand found blood stains on the bed
sheet and pillow. He removed the pillow cover. He found a gold
nose pin (Ext. P10) on the bed. He put the blood-stained bed
sheet (Ext. P12) and pillow cover (Ext. P13) in a parcel. He also put
the gold nose pin (Ext. P10) in a matchbox (Ext. P9). The
matchbox was put in a cloth parcel (Ext. P8). The parcel was
sealed with six impressions of seal 'P'. The seal impression (Ext.
PW4/A) was taken on a separate piece of cloth. The parcels were
seized vide memo (Ext. PW4/B). Two mobile phones - one of
Mark Sony containing two sims (Ext. P6) and one of Mark Nokia
(Ext. P7) were recovered. These were put in a cloth parcel (Ext.
P5). The parcel was sealed with six seal impressions of seal 'P'.
Seal Impression (Ext. PW2/D) was taken on a separate piece of
cloth and the parcel was seized vide memo (Ext. PW2/A). It was
found during the investigation that the accused and his wife used
to visit the house of the deceased. The accused had visited the
house of the deceased on 18/4/2017 and he was found missing
from his home on 20/4/2017. The police tried to contact the
accused but his mobile phone was found switched off. Anil
Kumar (PW12) brother of the accused revealed on 24/4/2017 that
he had received a telephone call from the accused stating that he
(the accused) had committed a mistake. Anil Kumar advised the
accused to return. The Police apprehended the accused on
25/4/2017 at 2:30 am at Niazpur. The accused was arrested at 10:30 am after an inquiry. The accused made a disclosure statement that he could show the room, where he had committed
the murder of Kamal Kaur and the place where he had kept the
knife after the murder. The disclosure statement (Ext. PW3/A)
was reduced into writing. The accused identified the room where
he had murdered the deceased and the boundary wall where he
had kept the knife. Site plan (Ext. PW29/C) and memo of
identification (Ext. PW3/B) were prepared. The photographs (Ext.
PW15/B-1 to PW15/B-14) were taken. Inspector Gian Chand filed
an application (Ext. PW26/A) for conducting the medical
examination of the accused. Dr. Richa Mehrotra (PW26)
conducted the medical examination of the accused and found
that he had suffered multiple injuries, most of which were caused
within five to seven days. One injury was caused within 48 hours
of examination. She preserved the blood sample on the FTA Card
(Ext. PX1). The card was sealed in a parcel (Ext. PX). She issued
the MLC (Ext. PW26/B). The accused made a disclosure
statement that he had cut the sleeves of his shirt with the help of
a stone and threw the sleeves in the khad which could be
recovered by him. The accused further disclosed that he had
stolen the gold chain of the deceased and sold it in Pathankot. He
could identify the various places. The disclosure statement (Ext.
PW15/C) was reduced to writing. The accused led the police party
to Jabaar Khad and recovered the sleeves (Ext. PW19 and P20).
These were put in a cardboard box (Ext. P18) and the box was
sealed in a parcel (Ext. P17). The spot identification memo (Ext.
PW15/D) and a site plan (Ext. PW29/E) were prepared. The
accused led the police party to the shop of Anil Verma and
identified it as the shop where he had sold the gold chain. Anil
Verma produced the gold chain (Ext. P16), which was put in a
wrapper (Ext. P15). The wrapper was put in a transparent
envelope (Ext. P14). These were sealed in a parcel (Ext. P8) and
the parcel was sealed with three seal impressions of Seal 'A'. Seal
Impression (Ext. PW8/B) was taken on a separate piece of cloth.
The parcel was seized vide memo (Ext. PW8/A). The accused also
identified the shop where he had purchased the clothes. The
photographs of the proceedings (Ext. PW15/F1 to 15/F17) were
taken. The parcel was seized vide memo (Ext PW15/E). The
accused produced blue pants (Ext. P22) and white shirts (Ext.
P23), which were put in a parcel (Ext. P21) and the parcel was
sealed with six impressions of seal 'A'. The seal impression (Ext.
PW29/G) was taken on a separate piece of cloth. All the articles
were handed over to HC-Ravinder (PW22) who sent them to FSL,
Junga for analysis. The results of analysis (Ext. 'PA' to 'PD') were
received showing that no poison/alcohol was detected in the
viscera and the DNA profile obtained from the shirt arm of Sunil
Kumar was found consistent with the DNA profile obtained from
the blood of the deceased Kamal Kaur. Gian Chand applied to the
Nodal Officer to obtain the call details record. Devender Verma
(PW30) issued a call details record (Ext. PW28/A) and the
certificate under Sec. 65-B of the Indian Evidence Act (Ext.
PW28/B). An application (Ext. PW32/A) was filed to obtain the
revenue record of the spot. Anil Kumar (PW28) conducted further
investigation. He recorded the statements of the remaining
witnesses. After the completion of the investigation, the challan
was prepared and it was presented in the Court of learned ACJM
Nurpur, who committed it to the Court of learned Sessions Judge,
Dharamshala from where it was assigned to the learned
Additional Sessions Judge-I, Kangra at Dharamshala.
(3.)Learned Additional Sessions Judge-I, Kangra at Dharamshala charged the accused-Sunil Kumar with the
commission of offences punishable under Ss. 449, 302, 382
and 201 of IPC and accused Anil Verma with the commission of
an offence punishable under Sec. 411 of IPC. They pleaded not
guilty and claimed to be tried.