(1.)The petitioner, hereinafter referred to as the accused, upon having been tried for the offences under Sections 377 and 498 -A, Indian Penal Code, by the learned Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Arki stands convicted for the offence under Section 377, Indian Penal Code, and sentenced to simple imprisonment for one year and to pay a fine of Rs.1000/ -. In default of payment of fine, he has been sentenced to undergo simple imprisonment for a further period of two months. The accused, however, was acquitted of the offence under Section 498 -A, Indian Penal Code Vide judgment dated 31.8.1999. The parents of the accused, who also faced trial along with the accused, for the offences under Section 120 -B and 506, Indian Penal Code were acquitted by the learned Magistrate.
(2.)The conviction and sentence imposed upon the accused by the learned Magistrate were affirmed in appeal by the learned Sessions Judge, Solan, vide judgment dated 10.5.2000 passed in Criminal Appeal No. 22 -S/10 of 1999.
(3.)Feeling aggrieved, the accused is before this Court by virtue of the present revision petition under Section 397 read with SectiQnj £0"1, Code of Criminal Procedure, assailing the conviction and sentence imposed upon by him the two Courts below.
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