(1.)SOME facts giving rise to this petition deserve to be noticed.
(2.)KHIYALI Ram entered into an agreement to sell some land to the petitioner vide agreement dated June 29, 1989. Khiyali Ram thereafter entered into another agreement to sell the same land with Amar Singh. On the failure of Khiyali Ram to execute the sale deed in favour of the petitioner, petitioner filed a suit for specific performance. When this suit was at the evidence stage, Amar Singh filed an application under Order 1, Rule 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure for being impleaded as a defendant, on the allegation that there is an agreement dated January 8, 1990 in his favour. The said Amar Singh has also filed a suit for specific performance which is pending. Grant of the application of Amar Singh has given rise to this petition.
(3.)LEARNED counsel for the parties proposed that this petition be disposed of at the motion stage, they were therefore, heard at some length.
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