(1.)By this order 30 petitions i.e 26 CWPs i.e 27001, 28859, 29182, 28863, 30055, 35025 of 2019, 2900, 14918, 16844, 18063, 18142, 18148, 18382, 17979, 13198, 8015, 8192, 8479, 9023, 9063, 19023, 19619, 19661, 19674, 6496 & 9379 of 2020 and 4 COCPs i.e 1345, 1635, 1970 of 2020 and 4006 of 2019 shall stand disposed of.
(2.)In 13 writ petitions, the petitioners have laid challenge to the order of dismissal/removal from the service. In some cases, the statutory appeal filed have also been dismissed. In 11 writ petitions, the petitioners have challenged the charge-sheet issued for initiating disciplinary proceedings. Whereas in two writ petitions, the petitioners were found ineligible to be appointed.
(3.)At the outset, it must be noticed that this Court has heard learned counsel for the parties on the question of availability of equally efficacious remedy and hence, in view thereof, whether this Court should entertain writ petition under Article 226/27 of the Constitution of India.
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