I.A.ANSARl, J. -
(1.)By judgment and
order, dated 30-11-2002, passed in Sessions
Case No. l29(N)/2002, by the Additional
(Ad hoc) Sessions Judge, Sankardev Nagar,
Hojai, the appellant herein, namely, Sri
Narayan Debnath, stands convicted under
Sections 302 and 201,1. P. C. and sentenced
to suffer for his conviction under Section 302,
I. P. C, imprisonment for life and pay a fine
of Rs. 3,000/- and in default of payment of
fine, suffer rigorous imprisonment for a period of six months and to undergo, for his
conviction under Section 201,1. P. C, rigorous imprisonment for a term of three years
and pay fine of Rs. 500/- and in default of
payment of fine, suffer rigorous imprisonment for a period of 15 days, both the sentences having been directed to run concurrently.
(2.)The case of the prosecution, as unfolded
at the trial, may, in brief, be described thus:
(i) As a result of strained relation with his
wife, Lalita, the accused beat his wife and
drove her away with their two children, both
the children being very young and, in fact
one of them being almost a suckling baby.
Having driven away his wife, Lalita the accused married another woman and started
living with her.
(ii) On being driven out of her matrimonial house by her husband, Lalita took shelter at the house of her sister, at Baithalangsu,
and started living there along with her two
female children. On 2-10-1999, i.e., the day
preceding the day of election, which took
place on 3-10-1999, Lalita along with her
children, came to the house of her brother-
in-law, PW 1 (Rabindra Debnath), whose
house is at a distance of about one k.m. from
the house of the accused. Lalita stayed, at
the house of PW 1 with her children for the
night on 2-10-1999, so that she could cast
her vote on the following day.
(iii) On the day of election, i.e. 3-10-1999,
leaving her elder child with PW 1 at his house
Lalita went out with her younger child, to
cast vote. About a week before the election,
the second wife of the accused had gone to
her mother's house and was not present on
the day of the election at the house of the
accused. Having cast her vote, when Lalita,
accompanied by PW 2 (a neighbour of the
accused) was returning, she was carrying her
younger baby in her arms, Leaving the baby
in the arms of PW2 on the road, Lalita went
to purchase biscuits from a nearby shop for
the child, whom she had left at the house of
her brother-in-law (PW 1). After purchasing
biscuits, when Lalita was proceeding further
with PW 2, the accused arrived there and
forcibly took Lalita to his house, though
Lalita kept resisting. After about half-an-
hour, PW 2 happened to meet Lalita at the
tube-well, located near their house, where
Lalita had come to fetch water. Near the said
tube-well, Lalita told PW 2 that she was apprehending risk to her life. PW 2, however,
consoled Lalita by saying that the accused
would not do anything wrong to her, whereupon Lalita went back to the house of the
accused carrying water. Even to PW 4
(Saraswati), another neighbour of the accused, Lalita told, at the said tube-well, that
she was apprehending risk to her life, but PW
4 too consoled Lalita and advised her to stay
with her husband and, upon being so advised
by PW 2 and PW 4, Lalita went back to her
husband's house carrying water.
(iv) On the day of election, i.e. on 3-10-
1999, Maheswari (PW 3), a neighbour of the
accused, went to the police, where she had
left her goat for grazing. The place was at a
distance of about 40 feet from the house of
the accused. When PW 3 reached the said
place, she heard someone screaming.
"Mago" (i.e, Mother), from the direction of
the house of the accused and on looking towards the said direction, PW 3 noticed Lalita
lying on the ground and a short while thereafter, the accused dragging Lalita to his
house. At around the time, when PW 3
(Maheswari) had gone to the place, where
her goat had been left for grazing, PW 4 too
had gone there to .collect her cattle. She (PW
4) too heard someone screaming, "Mago"
(i.e., Mother), and she too saw Lalita being
dragged by the accused into his house. In fact,
about half-an-hour after Lalita had gone back
to the house of the accused carrying water,
PW 2 too heard Lalita screaming, 'Oh Mago'
(i.e. Oh! Mother), and thereafter PW 2 heard
(v) As Lalita did not come back to the
house of her brother-in-law (PW 1), PW 1
became worried, particularly, because the
child, whom Lalita. had left, at the house of
PW 1, spent the whole night crying. On the
following day at about 7 O' clock, in the
morning, PW 1 along with the said elder child
of Lalita, proceeded towards the house of the
accused in search of Lalita. Before, however,
PW 1 could reach the house of the accused,
PW 1 happened to meet PW 2 and was informed by her that at about 4/4.30 p.m., on
the previous day, i.e., 3-10-1999, the accused
had forcibly takers away Lalita to his house
and, a short while thereafter, PW 2 had heard
Lalita screaming and that she (PW 2) had
heard nothing further. PW 2 asked PW 1 to
go to the house of the accused and make necessary inquiry. On being so informed, when
the PW1 was proceeding towards the house
of the accused, PW 1 found he accused coming and when PW 1 asked the accused about
Lalita, the accused told him that leaving her
baby at the house of the accused, Lalita had
already left for the house of PW 1 to bring
back her elder child whom she (Lalita) had
left, on the day of the election, at the house
of PW 1. When PW. 1 told the accused that
Lalita had not come back to the house of
PW 1, the accused told PW 1 that Lalita might-
have gone to Baithalangsu.
(vi) As PW 1 did not believe the version
of the accused, he, taking along with him,
Lalita's younger child, came back to his
house and, leaving the child there, he went-
to Hojai Police Station and reported there
about what had happened. PW 1, accompanied by the police, came to the house of the
accused. Upon noticing policemen coming,
the accused started running away and while
he was descending to a beel (swamp), the
people from the neighbourhood chased the
accused and caught hold of him.
(vii) On being questioned by the police,
the accused told them that he had kept
Lalita's dead body buried at the bank of the
pond, which is located within the compound
of his house. Acting upon what the accused
had told them, the police disinterred Lalita's
dead body. Before, however, the dead body
was recovered, PW 1 lodged a written information with the police, at the said police station, which came to be registered as an FIR.
Police held inquest over the dead body of
Lalita. Post mortem was also conducted on
the said dead body. The post mortem examination revealed that Lalita had sustained injuries on her waist, back and head. The head
injury, which had given rise to haemorrhage,
became the cause of Lalita's death. On
completion of investigation, police laid
charge-sheet against the accused under Sections 302 and 201, I. P. C.
(3.)During trial, charges under Sections
302 and 201, I. P. C. were framed against the
accused. The accused pleaded hot guilty to
both the said charges. In support of their case,
prosecution examined eight witnesses including the doctor. The accused was, then, examined under Section 313, Cr. P. C, and in
his examination aforementioned, the accused
denied that he had committed the offences,
which were alleged to have been committed
by him, the case of the defence being an admixture of total denial and a plea of alibi.
The accused also adduced evidence by examining two witnesses including his own
self. Having found the accused guilty of the
offences charged with the learned trial Court
convicted him accordingly and passed sentences against him as mentioned hereinabove.
Aggrieved by his conviction and the sentences, passed against him, the accused has
preferred this appeal.