(1.)THE appellants herein made an application under Section 166 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (in short, 'the M. V. Act') sought for compensation for the death of Arun Kanti Paul, husband of the claimant-appellant No. 1 and father of the claimant-appellant Nos. 2 and 3, the death of the said deceased having occurred in a motor vehicle accident on 01. 06. 1997. This application gave rise to T. S. (MAC) No. 86 of 1998. By award, dated 12. 05. 2000, the learned Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, West Tripura, Agartala, granted, in all, compensation of Rs. 19,27,000/- in favour of the claimants. The insurer impugned the said award by making an application under Article 226 read with Article 227 of the Constitution of India seeking, inter alia, a writ of certiorari setting aside the award. This writ application gave rise to W. P. (C) No. 316 of 2000. When the claimants resisted the writ petition on the ground that the writ petition filed by the insurer was misconceived and not maintainable, the insurer sought for an order converting the said writ petition into a revision petition. By order, dated 24. 11. 2003, passed in W. P. (C) No. 316 of 2000, the writ petition was converted into a revision petition and the same has accordingly come to be registered as CRP No. 81 of 2003. Dissatisfied with the order, so passed, on 24. 11. 2003, the claimants have preferred the present writ appeal.
(2.)WE have heard Mr. Somik Deb, learned counsel for the claimant-appellants, and Mr. K. Bhattacharjee, learned counsel for the insurer-respondent.
(3.)AT the time of hearing of the present writ appeal, it has been pointed out, on behalf ;of the claimant-appellants, that in the face of the decisions of this High Court, in Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. and Ors. V. Rejina Begum and Ors. reported in 2005 (1) GLT 1 and National Insurance Co. Ltd. Vs. Sukla Deb Nath and Ors, reported in 2004 (1) GLT 497, revision against final award of a Tribunal, constituted under Section 165 of the M. V. Act, is not maintainable.