P.G.Agarwal, J. -
(1.)This appeal is against the judgment and order dated 20/11/2001 passed by the learned Sessions Judge, Jorhat in Sessions Case No. 54 (J-J) of 1998 convicting the Appellants under section 302/34 IPC and sentencing them to undergo imprisonment for life and to pay a fine of Rs. 1,000 each, in default of payment of fine, to undergo further R.1 for 3(three) months.
(2.)We have heard Mr. J.M. Choudhury, learned Senior Advocate for the Appellants and Mr. P. Bora, learned Additional Public Prosecutor, Assam for the Respondent.
(3.)The two Appellants before us, are the wife and maternal nephew respectively of the deceased Naren Dutta, who was serving as Upper Division Assistant in the office of the Deputy Inspector of Schools, Jorhat.
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