(1.)This appeal witnesses a challenge to the
judgment and order dated 30.5.91 and 5.6.91
passed by the learned Sessions Judge,
Kamrup, Guwahati in Sessions Case No 71
(K) (G) / 84 convicting the appellant under
section 307, IPC and section 25 (l-B)(a)
of the Indian Arms (Amendment) Act, 1983
and sentencing him to undergo imprisonment
for five years and to pay a fine of Rs. 500.00
in default to undergo further imprisonment for
a period of 10 days for his conviction under
section 307, IPC, and also to undergo
imprisonment for 2 years and pay a fine of
Rs. 500.00 in default: imprisonment for 10 days
under section 25(1-B)(a) of the Indian Arms
(Amendment) Act, 1983. By the judgment
and order dated 30.5.91 the conviction of the
appellant under the aforementioned provisions
of law was recorded and the sentences as
above were awarded by the order dated
5.6.91. Both the sentences have been
ordered to am concurrently with a direction
that the period undergone by the appellant in
jail custody as an under trial prisoner would
be set off under section 428, CrPC.
(2.)Mr AK.Bhattacharjee, learned Senior
Advocate assisted by Mr AK Das and Mr
AK.Agarwal, Advocate advanced arguments
on behalf of the appellant. The learned Public
Prosecutors, Mr D Goswami and Mr FA
Laskar, represented the State respondents.
(3.)The case of the prosecution as unfolded
by the GD Entry No 1190 dated 19.11.83 of
the Panbazar Police Station, Guwahati,, is that
on the date of occurrence, ie, 19.11.83 at
about 5.35 PM the appellant made an attempt
on the life of Mr Hiteswar Saikia, the then
Chief Minister of Assam by attempting to
shoot him with a revolver but was over
powered by the security personnel at the site
and was thereafter produced at the said police
station with the loaded revolver. On his
production, the appellant was arrested under
section 41, CrPC, and after conducting a
search on him, a .22 bore revolver loaded
with six rounds of .22 bore live ammunition
and one chocolate colour woollen hand glove
were seized.