Decided on April 15,2024

Pratima Bisoyi Appellant


S.S.MISHRA,J. - (1.)The petitioner Pratima Bisoyi @ Bishoi was the informant in Bamunigaon P.S. Case No.121 of 2023 for the offence under Sec. -363 IPC. On 17/9/2023, she had lodged a complaint, inter alia, stating as under:-
'On 15/9/2023 at about 11.00 AM, she had gone to jungle to collect fire wood, leaving her daughter namely Suity Bishoi aged about 14 years in her house. At about 4.00 PM she returned to house and saw that her daughter Suity was not in her house. She asked to the villagers about her daughter, but they denied. She searched for her daughter in nearby villages, but could not find out any clue. Her husband has been staying since one year outside of Odisha. Her daughter has not taken any mobile. She searched for two days to her daughter and today reported the matter at PS for taking necessary legal action."

(2.)On the basis of the aforementioned complaint, the F.I.R. was lodged against the unknown persons. The police took up the investigation and recorded the statement of the witnesses under Sec. 161 Cr.P.C. The present petitioner also got her statement recorded under Sec. 161 Cr.P.C. In her improvised version, she has further added that one Dillip Patra of the village has been claiming to be in love relationship with her daughter and approached her with a marriage proposal. Since Dillip Patra belongs to a different caste, she straightaway declined his proposal. She further stated that Dillip Patra, in order to marry her daughter, has kidnapped her minor daughter. The police also recorded the statement of many villagers under Sec. 161 Cr.P.C. All of them stated that Dillip Patra has been telling them that he is in love relationship with Sweety Bishoi (victim) and he intended to marry her.
(3.)After 14 days, the victim girl was recovered by the police. The police claimed that she was coming back to the house and in her way she was apprehended.

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