(1.)In this petition filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, the petitioner has challenged the orders dated 21.2.2012 and 25.2.2012 (Annexure P-6 and P-7). It is further prayed that the respondents be restrained from making any interference in discharging the duty of Sarpanch of Gram Panchayat, Dongarpur by the petitioner.
(2.)Brief facts necessary for adjudication of this matter are as under:-
(3.)As per the pleadings of the petitioner, the petitioner contested the election for the post of Sarpanch of Gram Panchayat, Dongarpur. The petitioner secured 284 votes, whereas respondent No.2 got 280 votes. After declaration of result, the certificate of election was granted to the petitioner. Thereafter, election of Gram Panchayat was notified as per relevant rules.
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