(1.)The petitioner before this Court has filed this present petition for issuance of an appropriate writ, order or direction directing
the respondent No.4 - Assistant Director, DGGSTI, Indore and
respondent No.5 - Senior Intelligence Officer, DGGSTI, Indore to
release the cash amounting to Rs.66,43,130.00 seized from the
petitioner vide Panchnama dtd. 30/05/2020 from the residential
premises of the petitioner and her husband.
(2.)The petitioner is the wife of Shri Sanjay Matta. Shri Sanjay Matta is the Proprietor of the firm functioning in the name and style of
M/s. S. S. Enterprises. The Firm is in the business of Confectionery
and Pan Masala items. The petitioner has further stated that search
operation was carried out by respondent No.5 (Senior Intelligence
Officer, DGGSTI, Indore) at the business premises as well as
residential premises and a Panchnama was drawn on 31/05/2020. The
respondents have also seized an amount to the tune of Rs.66.00 Lakhs
as per the Panchnama prepared by them.
(3.)Shri Vivek Dalal, learned counsel for the petitioner has vehemently argued before this Court that the respondent No.5 has got
no power vested under Sec. 67(2) of the Central Goods and
Services Tax Act, 2017 (CGST Act, 2017) to effect seizure of cash
amount from the petitioner nor from her husband. He has stated that
the cash cannot be treated as "Document, Book or Things" as per the
definition under the definition clause of the CGST Act, 2017 and
therefore, the respondents be directed to release the cash, which they
have seized.
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