(1.)This Criminal Revision is directed against the judgment dated November 7,
1990 of the learned I Addl. Sessions Judge, Karimnagar allowing Criminal
Appeal No.4 of 1990 on his file. Aggrieved by the same the defacto-complainant
who is not other than the father of the victim girl filed the present revision.
(2.)The circumstances under which P.W.I set the law in motion are the
P.W.I is the father of P.W.2, P.W.2's marriage was performed with the first
respondent on February 11,1984 at Mangela village. For about 11 /2 years after
the marriage they lived happily. Later P.W.3 who is no other than the sister of
the first respondent married Vijaya Kumar, brother of P.W.2 and it appears that
this marriage was not liked by the parents of both the parties. It is the case of
the prosecution that suspecting that P.W.2 was responsible for the said marriage
differences arose between herself and her husband resulting in P.W.2 being
driven out of the family house on April 3,1985 while she was pregnant. Later
that is on September 18,1985 P.W.2 gave birth to a male child. But the birth of
male child did not bring any change in the attitude of the first respondent and
since they started living separately, P.W.I who is no other than the father of
P.W.2 gave Ex.P-1 complaint to the police on October 17,1987 which set the law
in motion, resulting in the prosecution under Sec.498-A of the Indian Penal
Code (in brief 'the Code'). The trial Judge after having heard the evidence held
that an offence under Sec.498-A of the Code was made out and sentenced the
first respondent to undergo S.I. for a period of six months. Aggrieved by the
same the first respondent filed Criminal Appeal No.4/90 which was allowed by
the learned I Additional Sessions Judge, Karimnagar and acquitted the first
respondent of the charge under Sec.498-A of the Code. Aggrieved by the same
the defacto-complainant P.W.I filed the present Criminal revision. Since this
criminal revision petition is directed against an order of acquittal, the well laid
principles to be borne in mind, namely, such revision shall be entertained only
in cases where the court that tried the matter has no jurisdiction to try the same,
evidence was wrongly shut out, over-looking material evidence, taking into
consideration evidence not to be looked into resulting in miscarriage of justice
- vide Chinnaswamy vs. State of Andhra Pradesh, Satyendra Nath Dutta vs. Ram
Narain, Bansi Lal vs. Laxman Singh, Mahendra Pratap vs. Sarju Singh and Harihar
vs. State of West Bengal.
(3.)Bearing these principles in mind the evidence adduced above by the
prosecution has to be examined. Before proceeding further, it is to be seen that
even according to the prosecution P.W.2 was driven out of the family house on
April 3,1985 while P.W.1 gave Ex.P-1 report to the police on October 17,1987
i.e., about 21/2 years after the incident.
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