F. I. Rebello, J. -
(1.)Rule. Heard forthwith.
(2.)The petitioner is a manufacturer of
Centrifugal Pumps. The petitioners also manufacture
goods which are inputs for the pumps and which are
used in the manufacture of the pumps. There is no
dispute that the pumps as manufactured are exempt
from Central Excise Duty. The Respondent
Authorities by order dated 13th September, 2000 in
respect of the castings manufactured by the
petitioners held that the castings are marketable
goods. Further held that they are classifiable
under C.H.H. 73.25 and 74.19 (depending on the
metal used) and, therefore, the classification was
correct. Various other questions were considered
and in conclusion proposed quantify the duty and
consequently directed the assessee to furnish
certain data. Another order was passed to the
similar effect on 14th September, 2000.
(3.)Pursuant to the said orders the petitioner
furnished the necessary information. By order dated
11th November, 2004 the respondent No.4 demanded
duty on the CI castings for the amount specified
therein. Subsequent thereto the petitioner
preferred an Appeal before the Commissioner of
Appeal. That appeal was filed beyond the prescribed
period of limitation. The learned Appellate
Authority found that they had no jurisdiction to
condone the delay and consequently dismissed the
Appeal by the order dated 28th April, 2006.
Aggrieved by that order an Appeal was preferred to
the CESTAT. The CESTAT on hearing the Appeal held
that the Commissioner (Appeals) was right in not
condoning the delay as that was beyond his
jurisdiction. In view of that the application made
for waiver of pre-deposit was rejected and
consequently the Appeal also came to be dismissed.
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