R.P. Yadav, J. -
(1.)The aforesaid criminal appeals have been preferred against the judgment of conviction dated 6.7.2004 and der imposing sentences dated 7.7.2004 passed in Session Trial No. 210 of 2003 by the Additional Sessions Judge, Fast Tract Court No. 4, Deoria convicting the appellants Mangaroo, Yadupati Chauhan under sections 396/397 IPC, Bhanwar Pal, Deepak alias Chanda under sections 396,397, 412 IPC and Smt. Arti Devi under section 412 IPC. and sentencing appellant Mangaroo with extreme penalty of death under section 396 IPC and 7 years rigours imprisonment under section 397 IPC. Appellant Yadupati Chauhan, Bhanwar Pal, Deepak alias Chanda have been sentenced to imprisonment for life and fine of Rs, 10,000/- for the offence under section 396 IPC and 7 years R.I. under section 397 IPC. In default of payment of fine, the appellants have been directed to undergo rigorous imprisonment for one year each. Appellants Bhanwar Pal, Deepak alias Chanda and Smt. Arti Devi have been sentenced to 10 years R.I. and a fine of Rs. 5,000/-under section 412 I.P.C. each and in default of payment of fine, they have been directed to undergo rigorous imprisonment for six months.
(2.)Learned Sessions Judge has made a reference under section 366 of Criminal Procedure Code, which has been registered as Crl. Reference No. 7 of 2004.
(3.)Common questions of facts and law are involved in all these appeals, therefore, we propose to dispose them of together by this common judgment.
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