Nooty. Ramamohana Rao, J. -
(1.)Both these Writ Appeals are preferred under Clause 15 of the Letters Patent, calling in question the correctness of the common order dated 02.06.2016 rendered by the learned Single Judge dismissing the two Writ Petitions instituted by the appellant herein in W.P. Nos.30789 and 30790 of 2016.
(2.)Writ Appeal No.821 of 2016 arises out of W.P.No.30789 of 2016, which is directed against the Order in Original dated 006.2014, passed by the Commissioner of Customs (Imports), Customs House, Chennai, with a prayer for quashing it and a consequential direction was also sought for to the Respondents to unconditionally release the goods covered under the Bill of Entry No.3611465 dated 210.2013. Whereas Writ Appeal No.822 of 2016 arises out of W.P.No.30790 of 2016, which in turn is directed against the order passed on 09.09.2015 by the Additional Commissioner of Customs (Gr.2), Customs House, Chennai, with a direction to provisionally release the goods covered by the Bill of Entry No.3611465 dated 210.2013.
(3.)Since the issue raised in both the writ petitions arise out of the same Bill of Entry and also the same set of facts are involved in both the cases, they were heard together and dismissed by the common order which is under appeal.
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