(1.)Challenging the judgment and decree passed in C.M.A.No.29 of 2003 on the file of the Additional Sub Court, Chengalpattu, confirming the order passed in I.A.No.820 of 2002 in O.S.No.29 of 1995
on the file of the District Munsif Court, Tambaram, the defendant has filed the above Civil Revision
(2.)The plaintiff filed the suit in O.S.No.29 of 1995 for permanent injunction.
(3.)The defendant filed his written statement and was contesting the suit. While so, the defendant remained absent before the trial Court and an exparte decree was passed against him on 21.12.1998.
Thereafter, the defendant filed an application in I.A.No.191 of 1999 to set aside the exparte decree,
which was allowed by the trial Court on 17.06.1999. Pursuant to which, the exparte decree dated
21.12.1998 was set aside. Subsequently, one Rev.John Polycarp filed an application in I.A.No.767 of 1999 under Order 3 Rule 2 of the Civil Procedure Code to authorize him to make, do such appearance, applications and acts on behalf of the defendant. After contest, the trial Court dismissed
the application in I.A.No.767 of 1999. Admittedly, the order passed in I.A.No.767 of 1999 was not
challenged by the defendant and the same has become final. Thereafter, on 11.09.2002, the
defendant remained absent before the trial Court, hence, again an exparte decree was passed against
him. Subsequently, on 30.09.2002, the defendant filed an application in I.A.No.820 of 2002 under
Order 9 Rule 13 of the Civil Procedure Code to set aside the exparte decree dated 11.09.2002. The
affidavit filed in support of the said petition was filed by Rev.John Polycarp as the Power of Attorney
of the defendant. The application filed by the defendant was contested by the plaintiff. The trial
Court, taking into consideration the case of both parties, dismissed the application. Against which
the defendant preferred an appeal in C.M.A.No.29 of 2003 and the Lower Appellate Court also
confirmed the order passed by the trial Court and dismissed the appeal. Against the concurrent
findings of the Courts below, the defendant has filed the above Civil Revision Petition.
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