(1.)This Civil Revision Petition is filed against the fair and decreetal order dated 07.01.2015, passed in
RCA.No.27 of 2014, on the file of Rent Controller ? Appellate Authority (Principal Sub Court),
Madurai, confirming the order and decreetal order, dated 04.06.2014 in I.A.No.17 of 2014 in
RCOP.No.158 of 2009 on the file of the Principal District Munsif Court, Madurai.
(2.)The revision petitioner is the tenant. The respondent filed RCOP.No.158 of 2009, on the file of the learned Principal District Munsif Cum - Rent Controller, Madurai for eviction of the petitioner, on
the ground of wilful default and owners occupation. The petitioner has filed his objection on
19.11.2009. On the enquiry in the RCOP, dated 02.09.2010, the respondent was examined in chief as PW.1 and it was posted for cross examination of PW.1. The petitioner took adjournments on
various dates. Subsequently, he remained absent. The petitioner did not cross examine the
respondent either through his counsel or himself. Therefore, the petitioner was set ex parte on
21.10.2010 and ex parte decree was passed on 21.10.2010, granting two months time for vacating the premises. The petitioner filed I.A.No.303 of 2012 to condone delay in filing petition to set aside the
ex parte decree. The said petition was ordered on 03.04.2013 and the RCOP was restored and
posted for cross examination of PW.1, by the petitioner. Subsequently, on various dates, the
petitioner did not appear either in person or through his counsel. On 23.04.2013, the Rent
Controller issued notice to the petitioner. Even after service of notice, the petitioner did not appear
in the Court. He was called absent and set ex parte on 07.06.2013 and the evidence of PW.1 was
closed and it was posted for petitioner's evidence. On various dates, petitioner was not present and
he was called absent and therefore, the evidence of the petitioner was closed on 21.08.2013 and it
was posted for arguments on 27.09.2013. On that day also there was no representation on behalf of
the petitioner. The learned Rent Controllor heard the arguments of the respondent and passed an
order of eviction on 04.10.2013, directing the petitioner to vacate and hand over the possession
within three months time. Against the said order, on 31.10.2013 he filed an application in I.A.No.17
of 2014 to set aside the ex parte decree passed in RCOP dated 04.10.2013,. The respondent filed
counter and resisted the same.
(3.)After considering all the materials on record and the arguments of the learned counsel for the petitioner and respondent, the Rent Controller, dismissed the I.A.No.17 of 2014. Against the
dismissal order, petitioner filed RCA.No.27 of 2014, on the file of the learned Principal Subordinate
Judge, Madurai. The revision petitioner filed RCA reiterating the averments made in the set aside
petition. The learned Appellate Authority dismissed the RCA on 04.06.2014 holding that petitioner
has not given reason to interfere with the order passed by the learned Rent Controller in I.A.No.17 of
2014. Against the said dismissal order, the petitioner has come out with the present revision.
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