(1.)THIS is an appeal by the original accused -appellant, herein, challenging the judgment and order of the learned Special Judge, Court No.9, Ahmedabad City (for short, 'the trial Court'), Dated : 26.07.1999, whereby, the learned trial Court convicted and sentenced the accused as under;
(1) For the offence punishable under Section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 ('the Act', for short) to undergo rigorous imprisonment for six months and to pay fine of Rs.500/ - and in default to undergo further rigorous imprisonment for 15 days;
(2) For the offence punishable under Section 13(1)(d) of the Act to undergo rigorous imprisonment for one year and to pay fine of Rs.500/ - and in default to undergo further rigorous imprisonment for 15 days;
(2.)THE brief facts of the case of the prosecution, as set out before the trial Court are that the original complainant, who was discharging duties as P.I. in ACB, gave a complaint on 09.07.1991, wherein, it was alleged that the personnel of local police and traffic police were collecting money illegally from the tractor of camel cart drivers in the name of 'Entry Fee'. Hence, a trap was arranged, after calling the panchas and after completing the necessary procedures and after drawing the first part of panchnama, wherein, the accused was alleged caught. Hence, a complaint was registered against the accused. At the end of the investigation, on finding sufficient evidence, charge -sheet was filed against the accusedappellant. At the time of trial, the accused did not plead guilty, and hence, the trial was conducted.
(3.)IN order to prove the guilt of the accused, the prosecution examined the following witnesses;
Over and above the oral evidences, the prosecution also produced the following documentary evidences in support of its case;
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