(1.)This revision petition is directed against the concurrent finding of conviction and sentence imposed on the petitioner as
per the judgment dtd. 3/12/2011 passed by the Court of Judicial
First Class Magistrate-II, Perinthalmanna in CC No.297 of 2008
and the judgment dtd. 13/5/2014 by the Additional Sessions
Court-III, Manjeri in Crl.A No.426 of 2011.
(2.)As per the judgment of the Trial Court, the petitioner was convicted and sentenced to undergo simple imprisonment till
rising of Court and to pay fine of Rs.1,000.00 and in default to
undergo simple imprisonment for one month under Sec. 279 of
the Indian Penal Code ('IPC' for short), to undergo simple
imprisonment for one month and to pay fine of Rs.500.00 and in
default to undergo simple imprisonment for one month under
Sec. 337 of IPC, to undergo simple imprisonment for six
months and to pay fine of Rs.1,000.00 and in default to undergo
simple imprisonment for one month under Sec. 338 of IPC and
to undergo simple imprisonment for one year and to pay fine of
Rs.3,000.00 and in default to undergo simple imprisonment for one
month under Sec. 304A of IPC.
2.1 As per the judgment dtd. 13/5/2014, the Additional Sessions Judge-III, Manjeri confirmed the conviction and sentence.
(3.)Before the Trial Court, PWs 1 to 17 were examined and Exts P1 to P14 documents were marked. On closing the evidence
of prosecution, the petitioner was examined under Sec. 313(1)
(b) of the Code of Criminal Procedure ('Cr.P.C', in short). He denied
all the incriminating circumstances brought out against him in the
prosecution evidence. Ext D1 document was marked from the side
of the petitioner.
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