(1.)This judgement will diapose of the reference made in S.A.O. No. 213 of 1969 as well as S.A.O. No. 231 of 1974.
(2.)S.A.O. No. 213 of 1969 was taken up by B. C. Misra, J. on 26th of March, 1975 and he made a reference in terms of the order passed on that date;. S.A-O- No. 231 of 1974 was also taken up by him on the same date and in accordance with the order he passed it was observed that a reference had been made in the earlier case and the appeals would be heard on merits after the reference has been answered.
(3.)We need ;not notice the facts with which the two appeals are concerned, because we are to answer the reference only.
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