(1.)RAKESH Kumar Jha, the appellant herein, impugns his conviction
under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) for having
committed murder of Suman Rai. He has been sentenced to undergo
Rigorous Imprisonment for life and to pay a fine of Rs.5,000/ -. In
default of payment of fine, he has to undergo Simple Imprisonment for six months.
(2.)ONE Suman Rai was found dead in House No. E -50, Ist Floor, Gautam Nagar, New Delhi on 14th May, 2006.She had died a
homicidal death, as her body, found in a pool of blood, had injury
marks. The post mortem report (Ex. P -17/A) establishes that it was an
unnatural death.These facts remain undisputed.
The core question is whether the appellant is responsible and has committed the said offence?
(3.)THE prosecutions case is that on 14th May, 2006, at about 1.00 P.M., the appellant went to Police Station, Lajpat Nagar and confessed
that he had murdered Suman Rai in House No. E -50, Ist Floor, Gautam
Nagar, New Delhi (vide DD Entry No. 11A). THE prosecution, in
addition, relies upon one Srinivas Kumar (PW -20), who was working
for the deceased. As per the charge sheet, Srinivas Kumar had stated
that the appellant had confessed to him on telephone, that he had
committed murder of Suman Rai, on 14th May, 2006. Immediately
thereafter, at 1.20 P.M, Srinivas Kumar had passed on the information
to Police Control Room (PCR) at No. 100. THE statement made by
PW-20, in the Court, varied from the charge -sheet and has been
discussed below.
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