(1.)This is a suit for recovery of possession, arrears of
rent and mesne profit/damages for use and occupation. The
plaintiffs are the owners of plot No. 71 comprised in Khasra
No. 53 in Lal Dora of Village Nangli Puna, Delhi, which has
a constructed area of 125 sq. feet and office area of 1000 sq.
feet. The defendant was inducted as a tenant in respect of the aforesaid property, vide an unregistered lease agreement
dated 20th October, 2005 at the rent of Rs 89,000/- p.m.
The month of tenancy commenced from the 15th day of the
month and ended on the 14th day of the succeeding month.
The rent was to increase by 15% after three years. A
supplementary lease agreement was also executed between
the parties on 1st October, 2007, whereby an additional rent
of Rs 13,000/- was agreed w.e.f. 1.02.2008 till 14th
November, 2008 which was the last day of the lease. This
was to increase to Rs 14950/- p.m. after three years. The
total rent, thereby became Rs 1,02,000/- per month. The
defendant also agreed to pay a sum of Rs 3,56,000/- as
interest free security deposit, which was to be refunded at
the time of vacating the premises, subject to the all
adjustments. The rent was payable on or before the 10th day
of each month. The defendant, however, did not pay or
tender the rent w.e.f. October, 2008. It has been alleged in
the plaint that though the tenancy expired with afflux of
time on 14th November, 2008, the plaintiff as a matter of
abundant precaution terminated the tenancy of the
defendant by giving 15 day notice dated 11th November,
2009 w.e.f the midnight of 14th December, 2009. The notice sent by courier was received back with the remarks
"shifted", whereas the notice sent by registered post at the
suit premises was received back with the remarks "on
repeated visits, premises found locked". The notice sent at
the registered office of defendant company was also received
back with the remarks "left without instructions". The
notice dated 11.11.2009, according to the plaintiff thus
stood served upon the defendant. Since the defendant has
neither vacated the suit premises, nor paid arrears of rent
w.e.f. October, 2008, the plaintiffs have now claimed
possession of the suit premises besides arrears of rent,
amounting to Rs 16,42,200/- at the rate of Rs 117300/- per
month. The plaintiffs have also claimed damages for use
and occupation at the rate of 10,000/- per day from the
date of the filing of the suit till the possession of the suit
premises is handed over to them.
(2.)The defendant was proceeded ex parte vide order
dated 26th October, 2010, as no one appeared for it, despite
service by publication and affixation in terms of the order
dated 13th July, 2010.
(3.)The plaintiffs have filed affidavit of plaintiff No. 1
Ajay Ahuja by way of ex parte evidence. In his affidavit Mr. A. Ahuja has supported, on oath, the case set up in the
plaint. He has identified his own signatures as well as the
signatures of the plaintiff No. 2 on the lease deed Ex.PW-
1/2. He has also identified the signature of Mr. Parag
Chaturvedi, representative of defendant company at point
"C" on this document. He has also identified the signature of
the plaintiffs as well as the signature of Mr G. Udayan David
authorized Representative of the defendant on the
supplementary lease agreement Ex. PW-1/3. The notice
dated 11th November, 2009 sent by the plaintiffs to the
defendant through their counsel Mr Rajesh Yadav is Ex.
PW-1/14. Ex. PW-1/15 is the certificate of posting under
which this notice was sent, whereas Ex.PW-1/16 and PW-
1/17 are the postal receipts, whereby the notice was sent by
registered post. Ex. PW-1/18 and PW-1/19 are the courier
receipts, whereby this notice was sent. The returned
envelopes are Exs. PW-1/20 to PW-1/23. According to PW-
1, the defendant neither handed over the possession to
them nor has it paid arrears of rent w.e.f October, 2008 at
the rate of Rs 1,17,300/- pm. He has also stated that the
prevailing market rate of rent for the suit premises would
not be less than Rs 3 lakhs per month on account of a sharp price in the rentals and property prices in last 2-3