(1.)The petitioner practicing Advocate has filed the present Public Interest Litigation seeking writ of certiorari to struck down
the establishment of Circuit Benches and converting them into
Permanent Bench by the order dtd. 19/10/2004 vide
Annexures-E and F dtd. 4/6/2008 at Dharwad and Gulbarga
and the Presidential Order dtd. 8/8/2013 vide Annexure-M as
unconstitutional, contrary to law and opposed to public interest;
and a writ of mandamus directing respondent No.5 - Auditor
and Comptroller General of India to conduct performance of
audit including financial audit with regard to investment,
expenditure and functional viability of these Benches at Dharwad
and Gulbarga and it's sustenance in public interest.
(2.)It is the case of the petitioner that he is a practicing advocate of High Court of Karnataka at Principal Bench, Dharwad
and Gulbarga Benches and he is a public spirited citizen, who
has taken up several causes of the citizen as also of advocates,
in the matter of maintenance of the Rule of law and efficacy of
justice delivery system.
(3.)The petition raises several questions of law interalia as to the relative scope and scope of the Karnataka High Court Act,
1961 (for short, hereinafter referred to as 'Act 1961') and establishment of Permanent Bench of the High Court of
Karnataka under the provisions of Sec. 51(2) by converting
the High Court of Karnataka, Circuit Benches at Dharwad and
Gulbarga and of the State Re-organisation Act, 1956(for short,
hereinafter referred to as 'S.R. Act, 1956) issued under Sec. 51(3) of the S.R. Act, 1956 in 2004/2008. It is further contended that the establishment of the said Benches, first, as
Circuit Benches and later converting them as Permanent
Benches is contrary to law and severely affects the public
interest as it is contrary to the dictum of the Hon'ble Supreme
Court in the case of the Federation of Bar Association -vs- Union
of India reported in (2000)6 SCC Page 715 apart from the
recommendation of Hon'ble Justice Jaswant Singh's Commission
Report, since factually the number of cases, filed, disposed of
and the expenditure incurred in maintenance of these
establishments are not conducive to the public interest, as it
affects the functional integrity and unity of the institution of the
Hon'ble High Court. The respondents are the respective
authorities representing His Excellency, the Hon'ble President of
India, the Hon'ble Chief Justice of Karnataka and His Excellency,
the Governor of Karnataka thus answering the description of the
term within the meaning of Article 12 of the Constitution of India
and the 5th respondent is a Constitutional authority responsible
for undertaking performance of audit, including financial audit of
Public Institutions/Authorities.