(1.)THE short question for consideration in these writ petitions is
whether the Land Acquisition Officer, Koppal, the second respondent
herein is justified in deducting 10% of the interest awarded under
Sections 28 and 34 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (for short 'the
Act') towards deduction of tax at source though the lands acquired
were agricultural lands?
(2.)THE petitioners were the owners of agricultural lands at Arekeri Village, Yelburga Taluk, Koppal District. The said lands were
acquired by the State Government for Hirehalla Irrigation Project.
The second respondent made an award under Section 11 of the Act
determining the compensation. Not being satisfied with the quantum
of compensation, the petitioners sought reference under Section 18 of
the Act. The Reference Court enhanced the compensation. The
petitioners filed appeals before this Court under Section 54 of the Act
seeking further enhancement of the compensation.
It is an admitted fact that this Court awarded compensation at Rs. 80,000/- per acre together with all other statutory benefits. Since
the Land Acquisition Officer did not satisfy the decrees, the petitioners
made representation to the Land Acquisition Officer requesting him to
pay the compensation in terms of the said decrees. They have further
requested him not to deduct the tax at source. However, the Land
Acquisition Officer has proceeded to deduct 10% of the interest
awarded under Sections 28 and 34 of the Act towards deduction of
tax at source on the basis of the circular issued by the State Government
at Annexure 'B' dated 4.9.2010.
(3.)LEARNED Counsel for the petitioners submits that having regard to Section 194LA of the Income Tax Act, 1961, the second respondent
is not justified in deducting the tax at source from the interest accrued
on delayed payment of compensation. The circular at Annexure 'B' is
violative of Section 194LA of the Income Tax Act.
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