(1.)We refuse leave but with a message tag.
(2.)The poor shall not be prised out of the justice market by insistence on court-fee and refusal to apply the exemptive provisions of Order XXXIII, C.P.C. So we are distressed that the State of Haryana, mindless of the mandate of equal justice to the indigent under the Magna Carta of our Republic, expressed in Article 14 and stressed in Art. 39A of the Constitution, has sought leave to appeal against the order of the High Court which has rightly extended the 'pauper' provisions to auto-accident claims. The reasoning of the High Court in holding that Order XXXIII will apply to tribunals which have the trappings of the civil court finds our approval. We affirm the decision.
(3.)Even so it is fair for the State to make clear the situation by framing appropriate rules to exempt from levy of court-fee cases of claims of compensation where automobile accidents are the cause.
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