(1.)Along with Civil Appeal No. 770 of 1962 in which we have pronounced our judgment today, four other civil appeals and four writ petitions were also placed for hearing, because they raise a common question about the construction of S. 52A of the Sea Customs Act, and we propose to deal with them by this common judgment.
(2.)We will first take Civil Appeal No. 803 of 1962 which has been filed by special leave by the British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., against the decision of the Central Board of Revenue pronounced on January 7, 1960, as well as the decision of the Central Government pronounced on May 27, 1961. The offending ship is 'Santhia' and the fine imposed is Rs. 42,500/-. So far as this appeal is concerned, for the reasons given by us in dismissing Civil Appeal No. 770 of 1962, it also fails and must be dismissed with costs.
(3.)Civil Appeal No. 374 of 1961 and Writ Petition No. 121 of 1959 have been filed by Everett Orient Line Incorporated. The offending vessel in this case is 'Rebeverett'. On September 5, 1957 the Collector of Customs had imposed a fine of Rs. 4 lakhs in lieu of confiscation of this vessel under S. 167(12A) read with S. 183 of the Sea Customs Act. This order was challenged by the appellant by preferring a writ petition before the Calcutta High Court under Art. 226 of the Constitution. D. N. Sinha, J., who heard this writ petition held that in imposing a fine of Rs. 4 lakhs, the Collector of Customs had misconstrued the scope of his jurisdiction and powers, and so, he set aside the said order and sent it back to him to reconsider the question of fine in accordance with law. This order was pronounced on September 11, 1958. As a result of the order of remand thus passed by the High Court, the matter was considered by the Collector of Customs again and the fine of Rs. 4 lakhs initially imposed by him has been reduced to Rs. 2 Lakhs. It is against this order that the appellant has come to this Court by C.A. No. 374 of 1961 and has also filed W.P. No. 121 of 1959.