(1.)We are in these appeals concerned with a gruesome murder of a minor girl with intellectual disability (moderate) after subjecting her to series of acts of rape by a middle ager, who has now been sentenced to death by the High Court of Bombay.
(2.)Appellant, Shankar Kisanrao Khade (Accused No.1) and his present wife Mala Shankar Khade (Accused No.2) were charge sheeted, for the offences punishable under Sections 363, 366-A, 376, 302, 201 read with Section 34 IPC, for having, in furtherance of their common intention, kidnapped a minor girl and accused No.1 had committed rape on her several times and committed the murder by strangulation. The Additional Sessions Court in Sessions Case No. 165/2006 convicted the first accused and sentenced him to death under Section 302 IPC, subject to confirmation by the High Court and was also awarded imprisonment for life and to pay a fine of Rs.1,000/- in default to suffer rigorous imprisonment (for short RI) for six months for offences under Section 376 IPC, further seven years RI and to pay a fine of Rs.500/- in default to suffer RI for three months under Section 366-A IPC and five years RI and to pay a fine of Rs.500/- in default to suffer RI for one month for offences punishable under Section 363 IPC, read with Section 304 IPC. The second accused - his wife, was convicted for the offences punishable under Section 363A read with Section 34 IPC and sentenced to suffer RI for five years and to pay a fine of Rs.500/- in default and to suffer RI for one month. The Accused No.2 had already suffered the punishment, hence did not file any appeal against the order of the sessions judge. The accused preferred Criminal Appeal No.512 of 2007 before the High Court and the Court heard the appeal along with Confirmation Case No.1 of 2007. The High Court dismissed the appeal and the reference made by the Sessions Court was accepted and the death sentence was confirmed. Appellant has preferred these two appeals against those orders.
(3.)The facts giving rise to these appeals are as follows: The deceased, a minor girl, aged about 11 years was living with her grandmother (PW-13) at Gunwant Khandare in Gunwant Maharaj Sansthan at Lakhnwadi. On 20.7.2006, in the evening, both the accused came to Sansthan and stayed there. On seeing the minor girl the accused and his wife offered mango sweets. On the morning of 21.07.2006 also the accused offered her sweets and attracted her attention. At about 12.00 O'clock on the same day, both the accused and his wife induced her to come with them and the girl accompanied them. PW-13, the grandmother of the girl child was informed by some of the ladies residing in the neighbourhood that they saw the girl being taken away by the first accused towards the place called Puja Dhuni. PW-13 met village Madhan and informed him that fact and also to her son, Ramesh (PW-12), but the girl could not be traced. Facts revealed that the girl was taken by the accused persons to a weekly market at Paratwada and stayed there during night and the first accused had committed the act of rape on her and which was repeated at Gayatri Mandir at Paratwada where they had stayed on 22.7.2006.