(1.)Leave granted.
(2.)Looking at the nature of the controversy arising for decision and the view which we propose to take of the matter before us, a detailed statement of the facts is not called for. We will briefly notice bare essential facts. The Madras City Tenants Protection (Amendment) Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1996) was enacted by the State Legislature and came into force w.e.f. 11th January, 1996. the constitutional validity of this Act was put in issue by several writ petitions filed in the High Court. When the matter came up for hearing before the Division Bench reliance on behalf of the respondents in the High Court was placed on Division Bench decision of the High Court dated 25th January, 1972 reported as M. Varadaraja Pillai v. Salem Municipal Council, 85 Law Weekly 760.
(3.)Diverting a little in narration of facts it is necessary to note that at an earlier point of time the State Legislature had enacted the Madras City Tenants Protection (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Act No. 13 of 1960) whereby certain amendments were incorporated in the Madras City Tenants Protection Act, 1921. Constitutional validity of Act No.13 of 1960 was challenged by filing several writ petitions which came up to be heard and disposed of by M. Varadaraja Pillai's case (supra). The constitutional validity of Act No. 13 of 1960 was upheld.
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