(1.)Heard counsel for the parties.
(2.)The petitioner's grievance is that though he had applied for his
appointment in response to an advertisement which was published by the
respondent Birsa Agriculture University vide Advertisement No. 2/2000 and after
about four years, the date for interview against the aforesaid advertisement was
fixed on 06.02.2004 but the call letter was not issued to him promptly in order to
enable him the necessary information for appearing in the interview.
(3.)Learned counsel for the petitioner, by referring to the photocopy of the
envelope in which the call letter was issued, submits that as per the postal stamp,
the Respondent No. 4 had delivered the letter at Udhwa Post Office on 09.02.2004
i.e. three days after the expiry of the date fixed for interview and in this manner
the respondents had intentionally prevented the petitioner from appearing at the
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