(1.)Heard counsel for the parties.
(2.)The grievance of the petitioners, as expressed in this writ application, is
against the pay slip (Annexure-1/1) issued to them, whereby the provisional pay
fixation in the revised 1996 UGC Scale has been fixed for the petitioners at a
lower scale by treating their appointment from the date of confirmation of their
initial posting instead of the date of their initial appointment.
(3.)The undisputed facts of the case of the petitioners is as follows:
In response to an advertisement issued by Ranchi University on 4.8.1976
inviting applications for appointment as Lecturers on temporary basis, the
petitioners had submitted their respective applications. The petitioners 1 to 4
were appointed on temporary basis for a period of six months in November
1976. The period was extended from time to time by official orders.
In response to a similar advertisement issued by the University on
27.12.1977, the petitioners 5 to 16 had also submitted their respective
applications and they were appointed in the month of November 1977 on
temporary basis for six months. The period was however extended from time to
time. By virtue of the extension of the period, the petitioners remained in
continuous service.
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