Decided on April 09,2019

Ramaram Sujatha Appellant
State of Telangana Respondents


RAGHVENDRA SINGH CHAUHAN,J. - (1.)Smt. Ramaram Sujatha, the appellant, aggrieved by the order dated 27.03.2019 passed by the learned Single Judge in I.A.No.1 of 2019 in W.P.No.6336 of 2019, whereby the learned Single Judge has dismissed the Interlocutory Application for seeking stay of the suspension of the order dated 23.03.2019, whereby the appellant was removed from the office of the President, after passing of the 'no confidence motion' against her.
(2.)Briefly, the facts of the case are that the appellant was duly elected as MPTC (Mandal Parishad Territorial Constituency), Bogaram, Keesara Mandal, in the year 2014, under SC (General) category. Subsequently, she was elected as Mandal Praja Parishath of Keesara Mandalby the MPTC's. According to her, ever since she took charge as President of Mandal Praja Parishad, she has been discharging her duties honestly and sincerely. However, the respondent Nos. 5 to 19 proposed to move 'no confidence motion' against her by notice dated 13.07.2018 and by notice dated 18.07.2018. The said notice was submitted by them before the Revenue Divisional Officer, the 3rd respondent. However, subsequently, said notice was rejected. Therefore, on 31.07.2018 again a notice was served and request was made in FormII to the 3rd respondent for convening a meeting of 'no confidence motion'. The meeting was held on 28.08.2018 at 11.00 a.m, and the said meeting was attended by 19 out of 20 members. During the meeting, 16 members have voted in favour of 'no confidence' and three persons voted against motion. Challenging the same, appellant filed Writ Petition and prayed for stay. However, by the impugned order, learned Single Judge has dismissed Interlocutory Application. Hence, this appeal before this Court.
(3.)Mr. B.Vijaysen Reddy, learned counsel for the appellant, representing Mr.B.Chandrasen Reddy, submits that even prior to the passing of 'no confidence motion', the appellant had filed an application against seven members, inter alia on the ground that since they did not attend three consecutive meetings, they should be declared as having become disqualified under Section 25(d) of Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 (for brevity 'the Act').

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