M S Ramachandra Rao, J. -
(1.)This Contempt Case is filed by petitioners to punish the respondents for willful disobedience of the order dt.10-07-2018 in W.P.No.32428 of 2014 passed by this Court.
(2.)In the said order, this Court had noted that the lands of the petitioners' predecessor-in-title Mohd. Khaleel-ur-Rahaman of extent Ac.4.28 gts sin Sy.No.201 and Ac.3.23 gts in Sy.No.202 of Yenugonda Village, Mahabubnagar Mandal and District were acquired under the provisions of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 for the benefit of 2nd respondent Society, and though compensation payable to the petitioners was enhanced by this Court on 02-04-2009 in A.S.No.174 of 2003 and 374 of 2003, and the said order was confirmed by the Supreme Court on 02-07-2012 in SLP (C.C) Nos.547-548 of 2012, the amounts were not paid by respondents. This Court granted six weeks time from the date of its order to comply with the judgment and decrees in the said appeals by depositing the compensation determined to the credit of E.P.No.4 of 2014 and E.P.No.5 of 2014 pending before the Senior Civil Judge, Mahabubnagar. This Court made it clear that till the amount is deposited, the 2nd respondent or its member shall not be permitted to sell or alienate any of the plots owned by the members of the said Society. It further directed as under:
"21. ... . Till the amount is deposited, the 2nd respondent or its members shall not be permitted to sell or alienate any of the plots owned by the members of the said Society. It is open to the 1st respondent as well as the State of Telangana represented by Principal Secretary, Revenue Department to sell the plots of the members of the 2nd respondent Society as well as the plots which are yet to be allotted by 2nd respondent for recovery of the compensation amount payable to the petitioners to satisfy the decree and judgment dt.02-04-2009 in A.S.Nos.174 of 2003 and 374 of 2003 and they shall proceed to do so, if within four (04) weeks period granted by this Court the 2nd respondent has not satisfied the decrees in A.S.Nos.174 of 2003 and 374 of 2003; and the Government of Telangana, after selling the property through distraint order proceedings under the A.P. Revenue Recovery Act, shall deposit the proceeds to the credit of E.Ps. referred to above. ...."
(3.)Not withstanding the same, it appears that 1st respondent did not communicate this order to the Joint Sub-Registrar-I, Mahabubnagar till 01-10-2018 and the said Joint Sub-Registrar registered two sale deeds in respect of two plots bearing Nos.277 and 332 belonging to the members of the 2nd respondent Society and registered the same vide Doc.No.16184 of 2018 on 17-12-2018 and Doc.No.1640 of 2019 on 24-01-2019.
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