(1.)Smt Konala Anasuya, the petitioner, has filed this Habeas Corpus petition on behalf of her husband, Sri Konala Achi Reddy,
S/o.Subbi Reddy, the detenu, challenging the detention order vide
Proc.No.C1/3687/2021, dt.27/4/2021, passed by the 2nd
respondent whereby, the detenu was detained under Sec. 3(2) of
the Telangana Preventive Detention Act, 1986 (Act 1 of 1986) and
the consequential confirmation order vide G.O.Rt.No.1450,
dt.6/7/2021, passed by the 1st respondent.
(2.)Heard learned counsel for the petitioner and the learned Assistant Government Pleader for Home appearing for the learned
Additional Advocate General for the respondents and perused the
(3.)The case of the petitioner is that basing on three crimes viz., (1) Cr.No.114/2020 of Tripuraram P.S.; (2) Cr.No.50/2021 of
Nalgonda II Town P.S. and (3) Cr.No.44/2021 of Miryalaguda II
town P.S., the respondent No.2 passed the impugned detention
order, dtd. 27/4/2021. According to respondent No.2, the
detenu along with his associates have induced innocent job
aspirants/unemployed youth, promising to provide them jobs in
Railways, Electricity Board, Government hospitals and other
departments and thus collected huge amounts and failed to
arrange jobs and also made them believe that as per their
horoscopes they have certain problems and on the pretext of
performing certain poojas, collected huge amounts from the victims
and thus cheated them and thereby created panic and feeling of
insecurity among the public, particularly un-employed youth,
which is prejudicial to the maintenance of public order apart from
disturbing peace, tranquility and social harmony in the society.
Subsequently, the impugned detention order was confirmed by the
Government, vide G.O.Rt.No.1450, dt.6/7/2021.
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