(1.)None appears for either side.
(2.)The present writ appeal is arising out of order dtd. 22/10/2007 passed in W.P.No.2385 of 1998 by the learned Single Judge.
(3.)The facts of the case reveal that a writ petition was preferred by the writ petitioners being aggrieved by the order dtd. 18.10.1997 of the Joint Collector, Ranga Reddy District, confirming the order of the Revenue Divisional Officer, Vikarabad, Ranga Reddy District, in rejecting the application of the 1st petitioner/late K.G. Krishna Murthy for grant of occupancy rights under Sec. 5 of the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Abolition of Inams Act, 1955. It was stated in the writ petition by the petitioners that K.G. Krishna Murthy filed an application before the Revenue Divisional Officer for grant of Occupancy Rights Certificate in respect of land admeasuring Ac.13.05 cents in Sy.No.161 and Ac.15.30 cents in Sy.No.162 totalling to Ac.28.35 cents in Antharam Village, Tandur Mandal, Ranga Reddy District on the ground that he was Kabiz-e-Kadim and is in possession of the land since 1958 i.e., for more than 12 years before the date of vesting i.e., 01.11.1973. It was also stated that the said land was an inam land and one Nereti Narsappa was the original inamdar and on an application filed by Nereti Narsappa to correct the entries, an order was passed correcting the entries on 30.04.1963 and the same was implemented on 21.05.1964. Writ petitioner No.1 purchased the land from the inamdar on 01.06.1963 and stated that he was in continuous possession. The application was submitted before the Revenue Divisional Officer. It was stated that though his possession was proved as on 01.11.1973, however, his application was rejected erroneously by the Revenue Divisional officer and the order was confirmed again erroneously by the Joint Collector. Reliance was placed by the learned counsel upon a judgment delivered by the Apex Court in the case of Sayyed Ali vs. A.P. Wakf Board (1998) 2 SCC 642.
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