(1.)BY order dated 17.4.2008 the notice for final disposal was issued to the
respondents. Notice has been served on the contesting re spondent No. 2. No one appears for the
respondent No. 2 though served.
(2.)BY the instant criminal miscellaneous petition under Section 482 Cr.P.C. the petitioner-accused has challenged the order dated 01.4.2008 passed by the learned Sessions Judge, Hanumangarh
(for short, "the Appellate Court" hereinafter) in Criminal Appeal No. 44/2008 to the extent of
directing the petitioner to deposit a sum of Rs. 2,00,000/- while suspending the sentence awarded
to the petitioner by the judgment and order dated 20-3-2008 passed by the Judicial Magistrate,
First Class, Hanumangarh (for short, "the Trial Court" hereinafter) in Criminal Case No. 275/2007.
I have heard learned counsel for the petitioner-accused and the Public Prosecutor for the State. Carefully gone through the Judgment and order passed by the Trial Court convicted the
accused-petitioner for the offence under Sec tion 138 of the Negotiable Instruments "Act, 1881
and sentencing him to the imprisonment of six months and a compensation of Rs. 4,00,000/-, in
default of payment of compensation to further undergo three months simple imprisonment.
(3.)LEARNED counsel for the petitioner-accused has relied on a decision of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Stanny Felix Pinto vs. Jangid Buildings Pvt. Ltd. & Anr., (2001) 3 SCC 416; and a
decision of the Kerala High Court in P.P. Mohammed vs. State of Kerala, 2006 (1) DCR 526 =
2006 (2) NIJ 282 (Ker.).
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