(1.)THIS Criminal Misc. Petition under Section 482, Cr. P. C. has been filed against the order dated 14-6-2000, passed by the learned Additional Civil Judge (Upper Division)and Additional Chief Judicial magistrate, No. 7, Jaipur City, Jaipur, whereby the request of the complainant petitioner to put question to the accused non-petitioners, under Section 313, Code of criminal Procedure, was declined.
(2.)BEING aggrieved of the said order, the complainant petitioner had filed a revision petition No. (300/2000), which was considered by the learned Special Judge (Sati nivaran) and Additional Sessions Judge, jaipur City, Jaipur, and dismissed by his order dated 14-8-2000. Hence, the present misc. petition had been filed.
(3.)THE petitioner had filed before the learned trial Court, a judgment dated 11-8-1999 passed by the learned Deputy Registrar, co-operative Societies, Jaipur, in respect of the legal possession of the complainant party and it was requested that the same be taken on record. Further, it was requested that she may be allowed to put question to the accused persons in respect of it, under section 313 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The learned trial Court allowed the request of the petitioner, to the extent that the document be taken on record and the same be exhibited. But the request made by the petitioner in respect of putting question to the accused with regard to the said judgment, was declined.
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