(1.)This order will dispose of CR Nos. 3728, 3914 and 3919 of 2018 as identical questions of law and fact are involved for adjudication. For facility of reference, facts are taken from CR No. 3728 of 2018.
(2.)Challenge in the present petition has been directed against consistent findings of fact recorded by the courts whereby the petitioners have been evicted from the tenancy premises i.e. shop situated in main bazar Pathankot shown in red colour and marked with letters 'ABCD' in the site plan, on the premise that the same is required by the respondent for his personal use and occupation. The Rent Controller decided the eviction application on 13/2/2014 and directed the petitioners to hand over vacant possession of the shop within a period of two months. The appeal preferred by unsuccessful petitioners/tenants did not find favour with the Appellate Authority, Pathankot and order of eviction passed by the Rent Controller came to be affirmed without any variance.
(3.)The facts relevant for disposal of the present petition are that respondent Amrit Sagar Puri sought eviction on the ground of personal necessity with the averments that total area of land under entire building measures about 9 marlas situated in revenue estate of Sarai within the municipal limits of Pathankot. The respondent is post graduate in Economics and retired as Chairman/Managing Director, State Bank of India, from Bombay in the year 1987. He is fully fit and wants to run his own business along with his family members. He has four daughters out of whom two are married. The two unmarried daughters are post graduates in English and History. The respondent has about Rs.25.0030 lakhs in cash at his disposal for investment purposes. Further on request for credit facilities, the State Bank of India vide letter dtd. 14/2/2005 has advised that they will grant credit facilities to the tune of Rs. One Crore only against his moveable/immovable securities. The respondent has every right to evict the petitioners for his personal use and occupation.
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