M.M.Kumar, J. -
(1.)Notice of the revision
petition is issued and the same has been accepted by Shri S.S. Chandi, learned counsel
for the caveator-defendant-respondents. On
the request of learned counsel for the parties,
the revision petition has been taken up for arguments.
(2.)This revision petition filed under Section 115 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
(for brevity, the Code) is directed against the
order dated 1/2/2002 passed by the Additional
Civil Judge (Junior Division), Nakodar dismissing the application filed
by the plaintiff-petitioner under Order XIV, Rule 5 read with Section 151 of the Code in which prayer was made
for deleting the issue No. 1-B.
(3.)Brief facts of the case leading to the
filing of the present revision petition are that
the plaintiff-petitioner alongwith another filed
a suit claiming that they are owner in possession of the suit land
and the mutation sanctioned in favour of defendant-respondents is
void as no sale deed in respect of the suit land
has been affected by the plaintiff-petitioner. The
stand taken by the defendant-respondents in
their written statement is they had purchased
the land in dispute from the plaintiff-petitioner
through a sale deed executed by one Harbans
Singh on their behalf who was his power of
attorney. The power of attorney is dated
13.11.1992 on the basis of which sale deed
has been executed in 1993. However, in the
amended written statement, it was pleaded that
there was another power of attorney in favour
of Harbans Singh executed on 20-8-1971
under which some other land was sold on 11-6-1976 in favour of some other party. The
land sold vide sale deed dated 11-6-1976 has
not been the subject matter of the dispute.
Therefore, an application was moved under
Order XIV, Rule 5 read with section 151 of
the Code asserting that the issue No. 1-B
framed by the Court was absolutely unnecessary and superfluous. A request was made for
deleting that issue on the ground that it would
be an unnecessary issue and would lead to confusion. The issue No. 1-B reads as under:
"Issue No. 1-B
"Whether the plaintiff appointed
Harbans Singh their attorney vide power
of attorney dated 20-8-71, and executed
sale deed on the basis of same, if so, its
effect? OPD"
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