(1.)By way of present appeal, appellant/respondent
No.2 in the writ petition challenging the order dated 18.12.2008
passed by learned Single Judge thereby directing the
respondents to place the writ petitioners at the start of the basic
pay scale of the regular employees performing the same duties
like the writ petitioners for as long as they work or have worked
as contractual employees and further directed to grant all
benefits flowing from the order passed by learned Single Judge.
(2.)The brief facts of the present case are that writ
petitioners were appointed on contractual basis. By way of the
writ petition, writ petitioners sought direction to regularize the
services of the petitioners and to release salary to the
petitioners at the minimum of the regular pay scale plus all
allowances, arrears of salary.
(3.)Learned Single Judge placing reliance on the
judgment passed by the Hon'ble Apex Court in the matter of
U.P. State Electricity Board vs. Pooran Chandra Pandey,
(SC), 2007(4) 179, passed the impugned order.
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